California Association of Professional Scientists https://capsscientists.org/; ncompton@capsscientists.org CAPS is an organization of scientific civil servants who protect public health, the environment, agriculture, and California’s natural resources. |
Colibri Ecological Consulting LLC www.colibri-ecology.com – info@colibri-ecology.com Colibri Ecological Consulting, LLC is a small business enterprise based in Fresno, California. It maintains a staff of about 25 technical team members. Colibri’s mission is to help its clients carry out successful projects by providing sound scientific information and analysis to address biological resource challenges. Colibri’s services include biological resource assessments, biological technical studies and reporting, special-status species surveys, nesting bird and roosting bat surveys, pre-construction surveys, wetlands/waters determinations and delineations, habitat restoration planning and monitoring, spill response and damage assessment, regulatory permitting, GIS mapping, environmental awareness training, and environmental compliance monitoring. With its headquarters in Fresno, Colibri has particular expertise in the flora and fauna of California’s San Joaquin Valley and its surrounding foothills and mountains. |
Endemic Environmental Services Inc. PO Box 3747 – Fullerton CA 92834 info@endemicenvironmental.net Endemic Environmental Services Inc. provides a strong team of biologists to conduct wildlife research, conservation, and consulting throughout California. |
ERTEC Environmental Systems 1150 Ballena Blvd, Suite 250 – Alameda, CA 94501 www.ertecsystems.com ERTEC manufactures revolutionary erosion, sediment and wildlife control systems with twice the performance, half the total cost and ZERO Waste. Compared to traditional solutions such as silt fence and wattles, ERTEC’s sediment control technology significantly reduces unlawful sedimentation to global waterways. |
Ironwood Consulting, Inc. www.ironwoodbio.com; jobs@ironwoodbio.com; info@ironwoodbio.com Ironwood Consulting is a Woman-Owned Small Business headquartered in Southern California, with staff in Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada. We specialize in biological resource management, impact assessment, regulatory permitting, and compliance monitoring. Our mission is to efficiently deliver scientifically defensible work products to meet environmental permitting and compliance requirements. |
National Wildlife Federation www.nwf.org; prattb@nwf.org; Beth Pratt Regional Executive Director The National Wildlife Federation is America’s largest conservation organization with over 6 million supporters nationwide, uniting all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world. In California, the Federation leads the #SaveLACougars campaign, working with partners to build the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing outside Los Angeles. |
Nomad Ecology 822 Main Street – Martinez, CA 94553 www.nomadecology.com Nomad Ecology, LLC is a full-service ecological consulting firm that prides itself on an innovative and science-based approach. Nomad was founded in 2004 based on a desire to pursue work that is focused on natural resource management with the concept that a quality consulting firm starts with a solid foundation of local field experience that drives expertise. Nomad’s services support natural resource managers of parks, open space, conservation lands, and fuel treatment efforts for fire safety and ecological health; as well as public utilities and public works sectors. |
Swaim Biological Inc 4435 1st Street, PMB #312 – Livermore, CA 94551 kswaim@swaimbio.com; www.swaimbio.com Swaim Biological Inc. (SBI) is a San Francisco Bay Area-based, disadvantaged small business, founded in 1996. SBI conducts ecological research and provides environmental consulting services to a wide variety of clients, including public agencies, utilities, park districts, environmental non-profits, environmental and engineering firms, construction firms and private clients throughout California and beyond. |
US Bureau of Land Management Central Coast Field Office – 940 2nd Ave, Marina California 93933 mwestpha@blm.gov The Central Coast Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management administers almost 400,000 acres of public lands in the Central California coastal area, including Cotoni-Coast Dairies National Monument and Ft. Ord National Monument. |
BIGHORN SPONSORS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Animex USA Inc. 5616 Geary Blvd. Suite 211 – San Francisco, California 94121 USA THE WORLDS BEST WILDLIFE FENCING – We combine biological understanding with engineering expertise to provide leading wildlife exclusion fencing. Working for over a decade within the construction and conservation industries we have helped many non-government and government organizations to design, install, monitor and maintain effectively wildlife fencing and mitigations solutions on a comprehensive range of projects. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ascent Environmental, Inc. 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 300 – Sacramento, CA 95814 Adriana.Alba@ascentenvironmental.com Ascent provides expert environmental, planning, biological resources, and climate change–related services. Ascent’s biologists possess the extensive technical and regulatory experience necessary for accurate analysis, successful regulatory compliance, and informed biological resource management decisions. We are recognized for our ability to translate technical information into clear and concise documents, find innovative and pragmatic solutions to complex regulatory issues, and work as part of multidisciplinary teams. We emphasize providing reliable, unbiased information that allows clients to achieve their objectives and that regulators can use to support their decisions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aspen Environmental Group 5020 Chesebro Road, Suite 200 – Agoura Hills, CA 91301 business@aspeneg.com – www.aspeneg.com Aspen Environmental Group is an expert interdisciplinary environmental services firm focused on the provision of services to clients responsible for building, maintaining, or regulating infrastructure and public works projects. Aspen provides biological resources services including surveys for special-status species, fisheries and aquatic resources, nesting bird management, natural communities mapping, and regulatory permitting consultation under the federal and state Endangered Species Acts. Aspen’s in-house staff are experts in restoration of riparian and wetland habitat, conducting stream assessments, developing and implementation of species-specific management plans, and finding creative solutions for mitigation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dudek 605 Third Street – Encinitas, CA 92024 hello@dudek.com – www.dudek.com Founded in 1980, Dudek is a 100% employee-owned environmental, planning, and engineering firm. Our 700+ employees nationwide help clients plan, design, and build projects that improve communities’ built and natural infrastructure. We are creative, pragmatic problem-solvers working at the intersection of science, engineering, regulations, and multiple stakeholders’ interest to help clients achieve project goals. With offices in 6 states, projects in all 50, and staff nationwide, we’re poised to quickly mobilize for any project need. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ECORP Consulting, Inc. dmitchell@ecorpconsulting.com – www.ecorpconsulting.com ECORP Consulting, Inc. has assisted public and private landowners with environmental regulation compliance since 1987. We offer full-service capability, from initial baseline environmental studies through environmental planning review, permit negotiation, liaison to obtain legal agreements, mitigation design, construction monitoring and compliance reporting. We bring together an experienced multidisciplinary team of environmental and regulatory specialists, terrestrial and aquatic biologists, wetland specialists, habitat restoration specialists, water resources experts, permitting specialists, archaeologists, air quality and noise analysts, unmanned aerial systems (drone) specialists, and geographic information systems specialists. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GEI Consultants, Inc. 2868 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 400 – Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 kholland@geiconsultants.com https://ecoandenviro.geiconsultants.com/ Today’s environmental regulations are complex and ever-changing. GEI Consultants, Inc. continually keeps abreast of changing environmental policies, regulations, and technologies to give our clients the most up-to-date service we can provide to help them meet their goals and objectives. GEI specializes in broad and extensive multi-disciplinary ecological and environmental services which are often integrated with our other practice areas. This integration better enables innovative solutions that are more effective, efficient, and reduce overall project costs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
McCormick Biological, Inc PO Box 80983 – Bakersfield, CA 93380 contact@mcbioinc.com – https://www.mccormickbiologicalinc.com/ McCormick Biological, Inc. (MBI) is a biological consulting firm based out of Bakersfield, sCA. MBI specializes in a variety of professional biological services including biological resource inventory, evaluation of impacts to special-status species, endangered species surveys, general plant and wildlife surveys, impact analysis, mitigation plans and preparation of biological technical studies for EIRs and biological resource sections for CEQA documents. MBI specializes in biological resources of the central valley and surrounding areas. The firm has extensive experience with oil and gas exploration and production, urban development and alternative energy. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mountainview Biological Consulting 909-273-7276, hello@mtn-bio.com, www.mtn-bio.com Mountainview Biological Consulting, LLC (MVBC) provides professional biological and ecological consulting support services as a certified Woman-Owned Business. We provide experienced botanists, ornithologists, desert tortoise biologists, wetland delineators, GIS technicians, bat biologists, and general compliance monitors. We conduct biological monitoring to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and project-specific protocols, and we conduct Status Species Surveys (Protocol), General Avian Surveys including Nesting Bird Surveys, Habitat Assessments, Wetland Delineations, Biological Impact and Assessment Surveys and Reports, Botanical Surveys. MVBC is proud not only to support our clients by providing a skilled team of specialists and tech-driven efficiencies, but proud to support our team of biologists with a robust benefits package and professional development program. Contact MVBC at hello@mtn-bio.com to inquire about our current opportunities.

Thank You to our Past TWS-WS Annual Meeting Supporters:
- Alpen Optics
- American Wildlife Enterprises
- AmigoCloud
- Animex Fencing
- Ascent Environmental, Inc.
- BioMaAS, Inc.
- California BLM
- CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife
- CA Landscape Conservation Cooperative
- Colibri Ecological Consulting
- Condor Country Consulting, Inc.
- Cordoba Corporation
- Coyote Brush Studios
- Craft and Quail
- Desert Tortoise Council
- DeTect Inc.
- Dudek
- E.I. Medical Imaging
- ECORP Consulting, Inc.
- Electronic Data Solutions
- Environmental Science Associates
- Environmental Solutions & Innovations, Inc.
- ERTEC Environmental Systems
- ESA Biological Resources
- Fletcher Conservation Lands
- Friends of Nevada Wilderness
- GEI Consulting Engineers and Scientists
- GeoTrak, Inc.
- H.T. Harvey & Associates
- Holohil Systems Ltd.
- Humboldt State Alumni
- ICF International
- Ironwood Consulting, Inc
- Laurel Mundy Illustration
- Lotek Wireless Inc. / Biotrack / Sirtrack
- McCormick Biological, Inc.
- Mountain Lion Foundation
- National Wildlife Federation
- North Star Science and Technology, LLC
- North State Resources, Inc.
- Owyhee Air Research
- Pacific Gas and Electric
- Quad Knopf
- RECON Environmental, Inc.
- Redfin
- Reyes Paintings
- San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research
- San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
- Save the Snakes
- Sequoia Ecological Consulting, Inc.
- Shasta-Trinity NF
- Sirtrack Tracking Solutions
- Sonoma County Water Agency
- Stantec
- Sue’s Art
- Swaim Biological, Inc.
- Telemetry Solutions
- The Crustacean Society
- The Great Basin Institute
- The Wildlife Society
- Titley Scientific
- Tomahawk Live Trap Company
- Transcon Environmental, Inc.
- Tulare Basin Wildlife Partners
- U.S. Peace Corps
- URS Corporation
- USDA Forest Service
- US Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management
- Vectronic-Aerospace
- Westervelt Ecological Services
- Wildlands
- Wildlife Consulting & Photo
- Wildnote
- WRA Environmental Consultants, Inc