Behind the Logo:
The meeting logo is based off the theme of “Challenge accepted”, which evokes the idea of superheroes. The three species – California condor, nene, and sage grouse – are all species of conservation concern in the states covered by Western Section, and in the spirit of the theme, I put them in superhero capes. The condor, which is one of the most remarkable conservation success stories of the past century, is flying high. The nene, which is recovering but not quite as big of a comeback yet, is stretching its wings to take off, while the grouse, which is still subject to significant fights over recovery plans, gazes up in aspiration. The background is a stylized version of the unique landscape of southern California, featuring the arid hill country of the meeting location. Finally, all the fonts are based on vintage comics and adventure movie posters, to play into the theme.
About the Artist:
Jess McLaughlin I’m a postdoc studying comparative genomics at UC Berkeley, but I’ve also been an artist for most of my life. I went to a school for the arts from 7-12 grade, where I primarily worked in printmaking, with my work exhibited in statewide and national exhibitions. Even though I decided to study wildlife biology at University of Alaska Fairbanks instead of going to art school, I still kept making art, expanding into illustration while I studied anatomy and botany during my coursework. During grad school, I started experimenting with digital illustration to create figures for my own research, and since 2019 I’ve been doing freelance scientific illustration and graphic design. More info on my work is available at https://www.jfmclaughlin.org/art