Tuesday, February 7, 2023
4:00-6:00pm — Preliminary Rounds
8:00 to 9:00pm — Student Quiz Bowl Finals
Quiz Bowl is a fast, fun competition for wildlife undergraduate students, featuring questions on population ecology, wildlife management techniques, zoology, statistics and perhaps a little bit of silly trivia. Teams of 4 students (a fifth student can be on a team as an alternate) compete in matches by identifying skulls, spelling challenging scientific names, expounding on wildlife management history and more. You can win prizes and even some glory!
We’re recruiting teams for the 2023 competition. If four students from one college don’t register, we will consider a “mixed” team; so if there are two or three (or even just one) student(s) from your college chapter who are interested in the competion, please let us know. You may contact Rhys Evans to sign up for for more information: sirsnave@verizon.net.
For more information on Quiz Bowl, how it works, and a video of a past competition — check out this description by TWS.